Reports and Dashboards
Reports and Dashboards
Internal data is available only to employees with the required permissions (using your campus username and password). Click here to access internal institutional data reports and dashboards.

New and total student enrollment by academic career, college, gender, race/ethnicity, first generation, and income status for the most recent five-years.
Enrollment Dashboards (Fall 2015 through Current Term)
Enrollment Reports in PDF format (Spring 2004 through Fall 2019)

Degrees Conferred
Degrees earned by academic career, degree level, college, gender, race/ethnicity, first generation, and income status for the most recent five fiscal-years.
Degrees Dashboard (Summer 2016 through Currently Completed Term)
Dashboard Reports
Degree Reports (Excel Format)

Retention Rate Reports
First-time, first-year retention rates by college, gender, race/ethnicity, first generation, and income status for the most recent five fall cohorts.
Retention Dashboards (Fall 2015 Cohort through Most Recent Cohort)
Dashboard Reports

Graduation Rate Reports
Graduation Rate Reports for full-time, first-time and external transfer students (Fall 2015 Cohort through Most Recent Cohort)
Dashboard Reports

Time to Degree
The length of time between when a student graduated and when the student first started seeking a degree at the institution.
Time to Degree Report (Fiscal Year 2017 through Most Recently Completed Fiscal Year)
Dashboard Reports

Credit Hour Reports
Credit Hour Reports are published at the end of each semester and display credit hours by the class level of the student enrolled in the course, or by the course level (100, 200, etc.). These reports can be viewed by total University, College, or Department and display multiple fiscal years.